
Über uns



Willkommen bei Madsendesign! Wir sind ein Grafikdesign-Studio aus Hamburg, das sich darauf spezialisiert hat, Illustration und Branding zu kombinieren. Zu unseren Kunden zählen Unternehmen, Start-ups, Werbeagenturen, Verlage, kulturelle Einrichtungen und Event-Organisatoren.

Unsere Arbeit wurde mehrfach ausgezeichnet, unter anderem von Graphis, American Illustration und dem Communication Arts “Award of Excellence”.

Wir freuen uns darauf, mit Ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten!







Lars Madsen is an award-winning German artist based in Hamburg. […] 2019 has been quite his year, as he scooped the Communication Arts 2019 Award of Excellence and was the American Illustration Chosen Winner, too. We expect great things from Lars over the next 12 months.
— Creative Boom Magazine
So read on to discover great advice on boosting your freelance career in 2020, from world-class illustrators including the likes of Lars Madsen, […] and more.
— Creative Boom Magazine



Lars stands out amongst a crowd of excellent illustrators. He is a rare talent and I’m privileged to be working with him.
My project couldn’t be the same without him. Thank you again Lars!
— Robbie Slaney, Musician
Lars Madsen has beautifully illustrated my children’s picture book. Tenacious and powerful. The images are perceived faster than the words as he predicts and captures the exact expressions that I could only imagine.
— Natalie Kessler, Author


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